Friday, May 22, 2009
Last Memory....

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Peace and Love

Monday, May 18, 2009
First Day of High School

Mr.Harrison isn't going to Washington.....
"This is how I feel -- if you want to see the Pittsburgh Steelers, invite us when we don't win the Super Bowl. As far as I'm concerned, he [Obama] would've invited Arizona if they had won."
Usually, when a sentence begins with "as far as I'm concerned," it ends with an opinion, not an incontrovertible fact. Harrison's comment is akin to saying, "As far as I'm concerned, George Washington was the first president."
Of course the Cards would have received the White House invite if they had won. Winners get to go meet the president, losers don't. They also get the trophy, the parade and those hats that say "Super Bowl champs". I don't think James Harrison(notes) turned down any of those things, which makes his refusal to go to the White House a tad hypocritical.
When Harrison won the NFL's Defensive Player of the Year award, he didn't decline and say, "As far as I'm was concerned, they would've given this award to someone else if they had had a better defensive season than me." And when he scored that touchdown in the Super Bowl after returning an interception 100 yards, I'm pretty sure Harrison didn't tell the ref to take the points off the board because, as far as he was concerned, if Larry Fitzgerald(notes) had caught him, Harrison wouldn't have scored.
As far as I'm concerned, James Harrison is sort of a fool. If he doesn't want to go to the White House, fine. (Although I can't imagine why anybody wouldn't want to meet the President of the United States.) But don't make a lame excuse in an attempt to justify your decision. Leave that for NFL referees
What am I good at???
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
My Future Home
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
A Walk to Remember
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother Earth

Friday, May 8, 2009
9 People Injured In Explosion At Shopping Center!!!
Kelly McPherson reports the blast happened early Thursday afternoon at the Penn Mar Shopping Center in Forestville, Prince George's County.
That's where fire crews received reports of a natural gas leak.The people who witnessed it say it was something they had never seen or felt before. Six doors were all blown out. "Shook, shook everything! Boom," said a witness. "We could feel it vibrate. I jumped," said another. "The power went out, so we got the customers out, and the next thing I know, the police were telling us to evacuate the entire strip mall," said a worker. The owner of the pizza shop there called in the leak. "The gas was smelling, and the gas was coming from the underground, you know. Then I called everybody like Washington Gas," said Mohammad Siddique, pizza shop owner. The gas leak had already been called in.
Jeanette Zak, a board member of the Forestville Pregnancy Center next to the strip mall, called 911 to report the leak. She said she watched from her car as firefighters tried to get into a vacant storefront next to the center. Then the store exploded.
"I could feel the heat from my car ... and kind of the whoosh of the air," Zak said. Both firefighters and officials from the gas company had already arrived when it exploded.
Eight firefighters and a gas company worker were hurt in the explosion.The gas company employee who was hurt was working on a gas line at the time of the blast. "Firefighters and one gas company employee, they vary from serious second-degree burns to minor injuries. All have been taken to Washington Hospital Center's burn unit for evaluation," said Mark Brady, Prince George's Fire Department.
"It was quite horrific seeing the building blow away from you, seeing debris fly at you, seeing personnel scurrying about the ground. I'm worried about whether I've got personnel under the debris, whether or not any walls have fallen on them. It was quite humbling," said Kenneth McSwain, Prince George's Fire Department.Officials say they doubt there was anything malicious behind the incident and that it was likely some form of an accident. "We've ruled out anything sinister or suspicious," Brady said. Meanwhile, Zak said she felt fortunate that she called 911 in time and no one at the center was hurt. Ordinarily, clients would have been receiving counseling, but the counselor who works Thursdays had a medical appointment. Zak speculated the gas leak might have been caused by recent renovations in the empty storefront.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Her mind left to wonder... what's after high school??? What is now important? No more childish drama, no more of so many things, it's time to grow up it's time to begin our lives... and graduation is the last time we will all be together and what's next??? This raced though her mind over and over again as she sat in her seat with her best friends at her side waiting for the graduation ceremony to begin. Her eyes began to water up with the joy that she felt...she had made it this far and she knows that she will be okay and she'll make it.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
People weekly
Monday, May 4, 2009
Red Light Districts

Friday, May 1, 2009
Zodiac Killer Claim

San Francisco homicide investigators said they will check into the information from Deborah Perez, who said her father, Guy Ward Hendrickson, killed at least two of the known victims 40 years ago.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Winds

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Wedding Dream
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Space Blob!
A newly found primordial blob may represent the most massive object ever discovered in the early universe, researchers announced Wednesday.
The gas cloud, spotted from 12.9 billion light-years away, could signal the earliest stages of galaxy formation back when the universe was just 800 million years old."I have never heard about any [similar] objects that could be resolved at this distance," said Masami Ouchi, a researcher at the Carnegie Institution in Pasadena, Calif. "It's kind of record-breaking."
A light-year is the distance light travels in a year, about 6 trillion miles. An object 12.9 billion light-years away is seen as it existed 12.9 billion years ago, and the light is just now arriving.
The cloud predates similar blobs, known as Lyman-Alpha blobs, which existed when the universe was 2 billion to 3 billion years old. Researchers named their new find Himiko, after an ancient Japanese queen with an equally murky past.Himiko holds more than 10 times as much mass as the next largest object found in the early universe, or roughly the equivalent mass of 40 billion suns. At 55,000 light years across, it spans about half the diameter of our Milky Way Galaxy.
Lyman-Alpha blobs remain a mystery because existing telescopes have a hard time peering so far back to nearly the dawn of the universe. Himiko sits right on the doorstep of an era called the reionization epoch, which lasted between 200 million and 1 billion years after the Big Bang. That's when the universe had just emerged from its cosmic dark ages and had begun brightening through the formation of stars and galaxies. Hot, energized hydrogen gas from that time period has allowed astronomers to begin seeing some objects — as much good as it does to squint at such fuzzy blobs.
"Even for astronomers, we don't understand," Ouchi told SPACE.com. "We are keen to try to understand what those systems are in the reionization epoch."
Himiko may represent an ionized gas halo surrounding a super-massive black hole, or a cooling gas cloud that indicates a primordial galaxy, Ouchi noted. But it might also be the result of a collision between two young galaxies, or the outgoing wind of a highly active star nursery, or a single giant galaxy.Pinning down this riddle will require further telescope time. The W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii can help accurately estimate star formation in the blob, while NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory could test the super-massive black hole scenario, Ouchi noted. And even Hubble could get in on the action.
"We're planning deep infrared imaging with the Hubble Space Telescope to tell whether [Himiko] has merger-like qualities or not," Ouchi said.However, that particular research hinges upon the future success of a risky repair mission to the aging Hubble. Astronauts are slated to blast off with the space shuttle Atlantis in the attempt next month.
For now, researchers may celebrate the fact that they found Himiko at all. They almost overlooked the blob among 207 galaxy candidates, while sweeping a portion of the sky designated the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Field.
After making the initial sighting with the Subaru telescope in Hawaii in 2007, Ouchi and his colleagues followed up using instruments from the Keck/DEIMOS and Magellan/IMACS arrays. Those spectrographic observations allowed them to pinpoint the signature of the ionized hydrogen gas and determine the distance and age of the mysterious Himiko.
"We never believed that this bright and large source was a real distant object," Ouchi said. "We thought it was a foreground interloper contaminating our galaxy sample. But we tried anyway."
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
When it was 1963

URL: http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q122/deadly_bunny_667/Hippies.jpg
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Mr. Peebles

Monday, April 20, 2009
The wolphin is the extraordinary result of breeding a female bottle-nosed dolphin with a male false killer whale. In captivity there are 2 occurrences, both are in the Sea Life Park in Hawaii. The 2 captive wolphins are a mother wolphin (wolphins are fertile), named Kekaimalu, and her third young (the previous 2 young died). You can read the news artivle of 23 december 2004 here. They are also reported to exist in the wild.
Kekaimalu, which means “from the peaceful ocean” by the way, is now 23 years old and the wolphin’s size (10ft long, 600lbs) is just in between that of a bottle-nosed dolphin (6 ft, 400 punds) and a false killer whale (14 ft, 2000 pounds). Also, the number of teeth (66) are just in between that of a bottle-nosed dolphin (88) and a false killer whale (44)!
Wolphins, are known in popular seafaring lore as “The Great Grey Beast”.
(This article is from StrangeHybrids.com just as an fyi)
Friday, April 17, 2009
Stars and Plants
Thursday, April 16, 2009
- Mac
- Bloo
- Frankie
- Edwardo
- Coco
- Wilt
- Madame Foster
- Cheese
- Mr. Harriman
- Goo
3. Nope not really!
4. How did they come up with the personality of Bloo???
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Old Skool
This goes back to the heat wave summers of the '83 when all we could do is chill on the shade covered steps or play b-ball at the courts a few blocks away. Till hip-hop hit my homies and I like a lighting bolt, it was unheard of and it was the freshest thing that I ever heard of. We were just about to finish high school and this changed how we had planned to carry ourselves in the fall. This was about to define us, this made us more, music became our lives, it made us better. It made us famous!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Lastest Phones
- Nokia 7510
- T-Mobile Dash
- Blackberry Pearl Flip 8220
- Blackberry Curve 8900
- Samsung Memoir
Monday, April 13, 2009
Blast from the Past
- Pogs
- Tickle Me Elmo
- Furby
- Super Soaker
- Beanie Babies
- Gameboy
- Buzz Lightyear
- Power Rangers
- Tamagotchi
- Pokemon
I remember having or knowing someone who had these toys growing up this seriously brings back memories. =]
Friday, April 3, 2009
My Favorite Song

- Halo
- Beyonce
- No, I think that some of her songs are just plain dumb but then again she always has some really great ones that hit close to home.
- Not really I'm a fan of her music and that's it I don't really care to know more than when's the next hit on the radio.
- If I could ask her something it would be where did she get her inspritation for Halo.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Love for a Lifetime

Cooties and love taps filled their days when they believed in nothing more then playing games of tag and running around on the jungle gym. Things were so care free, nothing got in the way of stealing a peck on the cheek. Years carried and they grew distance but one day a simple look took her breathe away. And with that old feelings rose within her and she found her way back to his heart. They became the classical high school sweethearts, holding hands and sharing kisses every moment that they could. This carried on all throughout college, in their last year he took her out on to picnic along the beach and pulled out a ring. She more than willingly said yes to his vow of commitment, and less than a year later they stood at the alter exchanging vows that would last for a lifetime.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
When will people learn
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
- I'm mostly known as Desi
- My friends and family think I'm a shopaholic I find that to be pretty funny
- I'm graduating in May which I'm totally looking forward to
- I'm a pretty mellow kid
- I like to go to the beat of my own drum
- I don't really tend to care what people think
- I'm hooked to rock music and my favorite band is Fall Out Boy
- High school sucks in my book
- Creativity is what I'm known best for
- I live by the saying "Everything happens for a reason." and that "Anything is possible."